tisdag 16 december 2008

Windows explorer as ftp client

If you for some reason do not want to install an ftp client on your computer, or if you are using a public computer without one, you can use the windows explorer instead.

Lifehacker has a really easy guide on how to do it:


onsdag 10 december 2008

7 tips to manage your files better

Here is a usefull guide from microsoft with some general info about file handling

onsdag 3 december 2008

Deleting files takes too long?

Sometimes windows takes a long time to delete files. What many people do not know is that the more files you have in the recycle bin, the longer it takes to delete files. Empty the trash and speed up deleting!

tisdag 30 september 2008

How to batch rename files

When importing pictures from a digital camera, the files have names that does not make sense. Renaming the files one by one is a slow and boring way change all the names.
I found a guide of how to rename lots of files at once here.

This is a quite limited way of doing it however, if you want more options you have to use a program. for exampel http://www.filerenamer.net/

torsdag 25 september 2008

Comparison of duplicate file finders

I found this comparison of duplicate file finders.
I have had problems with duplicates myself, mostly photos from my digital camera.
Maybe I will test some programs and write reviews.

Use correct folders

The best way to avoid a cluttered disk is to put the files in the appropriate folders.
If you are using windows a good tip is: don't fight it, be a good boy and put your pictures in the my Pictures folder, mp3s in my music and so on. This will help you later.
Use apropriate names for folders.

New blog

Hello All!
Or not all as this is a new blog..
On this blog I will share some tips and trix about file handling and related stuff.
I will also review file handling software.